Review Of Django Unchained

Django Unchained

Quentin Tarantino has returned with a bloody, ugly and romantic movie ‘Django Unchained’. This is the most brutal film Tarantino has ever made. Unlike his previous film Kill Bill, which was more thrilling, this is a film that leaves you feeling disgusting and it is pretty hard to watch. This means that for me, the film was a giant success as I was so in to the film and I felt it was so real, that I was actually disturbed by it.  This movie had me jumping out of my seat, laughing and almost in tears with the magnificent range of emotions present throughout the film. The film portrays the unspeakable abuse of black people in that era, and Tarantino does not shy away from showing you all the cold, gory details. When watching the trailer for this film, it looked a lot more humorous than it actually is. However, this was not a problem for me, and I would definitely say this is one of the best films I have ever seen. It is one that has really touched me.

Not only is the movie brutal, it is also exciting and enormously funny too. Even with such a serious film like Django, Tarantino does not fail to entertain the viewers and show them a good time. His cast members perfectly show both drama and comedy, and I think he chose the perfect actors and actresses for this film.

Jamie Foxx plays Django, a slave on a Southern chain gang two years before the civil war. In the beginning of the film he is just another slave, until revenge becomes the pivot of the plot. The star of the movie in my eyes has to be Dr. King Schultz played by Christopher Waltz. Schultz is a bounty hunter who travels the country in a hilariously ridiculous wagon with a tooth that wobbles on the top of it. Similar to a bobble head dog. Schultz is disguised as a dentist, as this was his former occupation. Schultz became a bounty hunter when he realised doing so would make him big bucks. Schultz says bounty hunting “is a flesh-for-cash business” which is very much like slavery. Schultz is a massively likable character and he teaches Django how to stop acting like a slave and shows him how to become a free man. Django makes an agreement with Schultz that he will help him to track down wanted men, so long as it helps him to find his wife Broomhilda who is played by Kerry Washington. Broomhilda is a slave at a plantation owned by the evil and twisted Calvin Candie who is played by the amazing Leonardo DiCaprio. Broomhilda was brought up with a German family and speaks German. She is a beautiful, gentle character and is instantly likable. 

The first part of Django consists of a lot of shooting and bloody scenes and tells us of the chase leading to Calvin Candie. The remaning part of the movie is set in Candie’s cotton farm. At Candie’s farm, a love story between Django and Broomhilda unfolds and we are shown the love and strength of the two. Candie is a very awkward character and I felt at times he looked uncomfortable in his role. The actor is known for being so good at playing troubled men, but I think playing a racist, cruel man was too much for him. Nonetheless he was still a great actor and his drama-comedy style of acting was definitely top notch. DiCaprio is completely over shadowed by Samuel L. Jackson, who plays Stephen. Stephen is a sadistic old man who has betrayed his race for the fun of it. I think Stephen is the actor you will hate most in this movie as he has such a villainous, horrendous personality. 

Overall I think this is one splendid film by Tarantino, and this film is a huge success. It is one that should definitely be watched at a movie theatre and one that you will not forget.


Rating: 5/5

A song that describes me

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

I am a very happy, easy going person who does not take life too seriously. I am rarely mad and many people know me as being a very chilled out person. I have no time for stress and drama in my life, and I don’t think I have ever experienced ‘stress’

The perfect song for me would be ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ by Cyndi Lauper. This may seem like a very cliche and cheesy choice but it is the honest truth. The song is just so upbeat and happy and always puts me in a good mood. It is a song that never fails to entertain and is a classic that will never get old. It is a song that you do not want to skip on your iPod. I like to think I am like the song too. Hopefully being around me will not get boring and ‘old’ and I hope my presence remains entertaining.

I am a very independent young girl and there is nothing I dislike more than being told what to do. I love to be care free and want to experience life for myself, even if that means making many mistakes and feeling sorry for myself in the end. Teenage years are meant to be lived to the full. We can worry about more ‘appropriate’ things when we get to our late 20’s!

What song do you think best describes you and why?

Time to rant – the know it all

Mr Know-It-All

*Please note this is a friendly rant, the purpose of this is to entertain. Do not feel offended or hurt by what you are about to read (unless you are a knowitall)*

Shall I tell you what really ticks me off? The people who think they really just know it all. They think they’re the Albert Einstein of the 21st century. They make me want to poke needles in my eyes and dance on hot coal because seriously, what is more painful than listening to a fool think they know it all? I’m sure everyone at some point has come across a person that believes everything they say is correct and will not stand for any corrections. Let me tell you now, do not be fooled by this fool. They are a fool. The king of the fools. Only an intelligent being can admit to being wrong, but a fool, never. He will put up a fight, and the only thing you can do is agree with the fool or walk away. These fools will not even admit to being wrong about the most ridiculous of things! “What time is it?” “5 o clock” “oh wait, its 6” *checks time, sees that it is actually 6* “no it is not! its 5 o clock I would know”
Come on! you’re not going to look like an idiot if you admit you are wrong! You look like the biggest bloody idiot trying to prove you are right when everyone knows you are WRONG! You are a moron. Thank your parents for bringing a moron in to the world. The reality is, these ‘Know it all’s are in fact unaccomplished failures who feel so sorry for themselves and their shitty lives that they try and compensate by acting like they are Mr or Mrs Right. All the people whom I have come across who seem to have an answer for everything – 99% of the time these answers are complete bullshit, are unaccomplished. It’s only obvious that those that actually know less and have inferiority complex, want to look different in order to feel well and satisfy themselves. But, let me tell you ‘Know It All’s’ right now: you are NOT satisfying those with intelligent minds. You do not look good, you look like a moron, a MORON I tell you!
Another thing I really cannot stand about these know it all’s is the fact they criticise just about EVERYTHING.These people speak with a voice of authority when in reality they do not know anything. Why do you make me want to pull the hairs of my head out when you speak to me? Why do you feel the need to be right about everything? Give me a break, Mr Google.
The other day I was at the cinema and I asked the employee if he had watched a particular movie, of course he replied with ‘yes’. So I went on to ask him what it is about and he immediately looked uneasy as he said “well it’s just a good film isn’t it”. WHAT?! I’m not asking you whether it is good or not I am asking you what it is about! Genre? Cast list? Anything? No? Okay. “You haven’t watched it have you” “I have” “So what’s it about” “It’s a good film isn’t it” At that point I gave up. “Oh” I thought. He’s one of ‘them’. The know it all’s. The secret morons. Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don’t. They infuriate those who really do know everything. Ironic right? Wrong. Those who know everything do not speak of everything they know. The key to success is to keep quiet and to keep things to yourself.
There is a huge difference between having AN OPINION and being OPINIONATED. People who have an opinion do not offer it unless they are asked, but those who are opinionated will feel the need to state it without being asked. People with an opinion are great to have at the dinner table, the conversation is easy, and we all learn a thing or two. Those who are opinionated are a pain in the backside at a dinner table. Opinionated people are less secure with themselves, they always feel the need to be in control and always want to be at the centre of the conversation even if it does not concern them.These people are self centred, can’t handle being wrong and are too hard to please and too easy to upset.

I think we can all agree that we dislike opinionated Mr Know It All’s. Please admit you are wrong when you are: It is completely fine to not know everything.
